2023 Favourites

A selection of our most-read articles & 3 holidays recommendations

In this last post of 2023, we thought of sharing our best posts and articles of the year (according to YOU) so you can enjoy them during the holidays.

But first of all, we wanted to say thank you to every single one of you!

Since launching this newsletter 6 months ago, we got to know a lot of you (both online and offline) and it’s been a blast. You are the reason we keep doing this and we are grateful to play a little role in helping you find meaningful work in the startup world.

Happy holidays!

Most read articles



  1. Part I - The good, the bad and the ugly about the startup life

  2. Part II - How they started, valuable lessons and what to avoid

Sharing is caring!

If you enjoyed any of these articles, please share this issue with a friend who is also looking to join the startup world.

Most read scientific articles

Holidays recommendations

Our favourite reads (non-Kickigai) that made us think, wonder or appreciate life.


Gene therapy and a new era of medicine - Dr. Nicole Paulk

An optimistic talk about using viruses as gene therapy and the future of medicine. No matter if you're a bioengineering expert or a novice, this talk will inspire you to do hard meaningful work that can save lives today.


What Do You Want? - Calvin Ross

A straightforward piece of advice to address a common situation amongst young adults: a job that sounds good on paper but is in the end unfulfilling. Especially when the thought of quitting and changing direction is omnipresent but hard to do.


The Race to Put Brain Implants in People Is Heating Up - WIRED

If you’re curious about how brain-computer interfaces will change our lives and the breakout discoveries that happened in 2023, this article provides an overview of the leading research institutions and private companies in this field.


More from us

  1. 10 steps to join the startup world
    A workbook to help you find your ideal role in the startup ecosystem.
    From understanding the key players to finding hidden opportunities, this framework will guide you every step of the way.

  2. How to build startup teams
    The ultimate guide on hiring, onboarding and retaining talent.
    Learn the proven playbooks that have helped 100+ founders build winning teams. And if you’re looking to join a startup, this is your chance to learn everything that happens behind the curtains.

  3. Land your dream job with 1:1 private career coaching

    Get actionable and tailored advice from someone who has overcome similar obstacles and doubts in their career.
    You can book a 60-minute session by donating to any charity.